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( alde egin)

  • 1 alde egin

    ( ihes egin, hanka egin, ospa egin) to run away, escape, to leave; espetxetik \alde egin egin zuten they escaped from prison

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > alde egin

  • 2 alde egin

    escapar, huir,/ defender a, /ausentarse

    Glosario Euskera Español > alde egin

  • 3 alde

    a. side; \alde askotako multilateral; \alde bateko unilateral | one-sided; \alde biko bilateral | two-sided | double-sided; \alde biko kontrata bilateral contract
    b. ( eskualdea, lekua) place, area; \alde guztietan everywhere ; \alde batetik bestera from one place to another; alderik \alde from place to; aldez \alde from place to place
    c. Mil. flank
    d. ( disko, kaseteari d.) side; A \aldea side A
    e. (d iamanteari d., e.a.) side, facet
    a. ( itxura) aspect, angle, point; \alde batetik merkea da on one hand it' s cheap; \alde ongi dago baina bestetik oso gaizki on one hand it is correct but on the other it is very wrong; \alde honez from this point of view; hitz hori bi \aldetan aditzen da that word can be understood two ways
    b. ( auziari, eztabaidari d.) side, stand, position; nire \aldea hartu zuen she took my side; \alde bat hartu to take sides
    c. \alde batera once and for all
    3. - alde
    a. region, area; Durango\alde Durango region
    b. zone, area; mendi\alde moutain {area || zone}; hego\alde southern area
    c. leiho hau hego\aldera da this window faces south
    a. difference, disparity; zer \alde dago haien artean? what difference is there between them?; haien artean \alde handia dago there' s a big difference between them
    b. ( tartea) distance, interval, span, stretch
    c. advantage; i-i \aldea kendu to pull ahead of
    5. ( norbaitena) side; aitaren \aldeko ahaideak relatives on my father' s side
    6. (z.o.) jenderik onena \alde dute they' ve got the best people with them post.
    1. [+ -(r)en]
    a. for, on behalf of; asko egin dute euskararen \alde they' ve done a lot for Basque; gure osabaren \aldeko hileta our uncle' s funeral
    b. for, in favour of (GB), in favor of (USA) ; i-en \alde jarri to come out in favour of sb; "Nafarroa euskararen \alde" "Navarre is for Basque"
    c. on; zaldi horren \alde egin dut apustua I' ve bet on that horse
    2. [0] except for, with the exception of, barring; aita \alde beste guztiak all except for father
    3. ( -tik) away from; nire etxea herritik \alde dago my house is away from the town

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > alde

  • 4 hanka egin

    1. ( alde egin) to run away, hightail it
    2. to lose ones's chastity

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hanka egin

  • 5 apustu egin

    to bet, wager ( -(r)en alde: on)

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > apustu egin

  • 6 koska

    a. nick, dent; e-i \koska egin to nick at sth
    b. ( ebakitxoa) notch, cut, incision
    c. ( hozka) groove, notch
    d. moulding (GB), molding (USA) ; \koskaz apaindu to trim with moulding
    e. (irud.) \koska badu Lagunart. he's gone Argot. | he's got a screw loose Lagunart. ; bere \koskara itzuli zen he came to
    2. ( hor nonbaiteko kopurutxo bat) bit; berrehun eta \koska liburu a bit over two hundred books; \koskarik ez daukat I haven't got a brass farthing (GB) |I haven't got a red cent (USA)
    3. ( korapiloa, zailtasuna, oztopoa) snag, catch, drawback, difficulty; hor dago \koska that's the {catch || problem}; askatasuna lortzea, hor dago \koska! gaining freedom, that's the question!; horrek ere badu, ordea, bere \koska that still has its difficult side; \koskari alde egin to get around a problem; \koskak aztertu to look into the problems; \koskak kendu to overcome {obstacles || problems}
    4. ( ileari d.) shingle; \koskak egin to cut in shingles
    a. Arkit. ledge
    b. ( eskailerari d., e.a.) step
    c. (irud.) rank, class
    6. (NG) Med. bump, lump, contusion
    7. ( gutxitasun) decrease, reduction, drop, lessening
    8. Mus. ( gitarrari d.) fret
    9. Tek. tooth; \koskan sartu to fit in the teeth; \koskak berdindu to strip the gears
    iz. ( talka) knock, collision, bump
    2. ( burukada) butt

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > koska

  • 7 airatu

    da/ad. (I)
    1. ( aireztatu) to air, ventilate
    2. formala. to leave, to go from; mundu huntarik \airatu da he has gone from this world
    3. ( jakinarazi) to reveal, disclose, let out; orduan nire sekretu barren \airatu nuen then I let my secret out
    4. ( jaso) to lift up in the air ; ezin \airatu du harria he can't lift the stone da/ad.
    1. (I) ( hegan egin) to lift up
    a. ( alde egin) to leave, go away; gazterik \airatu ziren they left when they were young
    b. ( desagertu) to go away
    3. ( harropuztu) to grow proud, become arrogant

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > airatu

  • 8 halaxe

    adb. in the very same way, that way; \halaxe gertatu zen that's how it happened; orduan alde egin zuen diru guztiarekin? — Bai, \halaxe da so he ran away with all of the money? — yes, that's what happened \halaxe bada, gureak egin du if that's how it is, we've had it; eta \halaxe gertatu da and so it has happened

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > halaxe

  • 9 zer

    a. \zer? what?; \zer diozu? what are you saying?; \zer arren? why? | how come?; \zer ba? how come?; \zer dela eta? for what reason? eta niri \zer? what about me?; zuri eta niri \zer? what do I have to do with you?; nire eta zure artean \zer? what do I have to do with you?; hau \zer dela? guess what it is?; \zeri eta \zertara how? | what for and to what end?; \zeri dagokiola etorri zara? for what reason have you come?; \zertatik \zertara erori zaren! how is it that you fell!
    b. eta niri \zer? what about me?
    2. \zer gerta ere whatever might happen | whatever should happen | whatever happens ; \zer ikus ere whatever might be seen
    3. zeren, zertan, zertarako, zertarik zenb. [ erak. ]
    a. what; \zer liburu? what book?; \zer gauza nahi duzu? what thing do you want?
    b. ( zeharkako gelderetan) ez dakit \zer nahi duten I don't know how much they want
    2. (+ aditzera bukatu) ez dago \zer eginik there's nothing to do; ez dago \zer esanik there's nothing to be said | no comment; ez du \zer izuturik he's got nothing to be frightened of; \zer galdurik ez dute they've got nothing to lose
    a. \zer ondo! how nice!
    b. ( zenbatzeko modukoa) what a; \zer gizona! what a man!
    c. ( zenbatu ezinezkoa) what; \zer zorigaitza! what bad luck!
    iz. [ -r- ]
    a. reason; \zerik gabe without reason; beste \zerik barik for no reason whatsoever
    b. eskerrik asko — ez dago \zerrik thank you — don't mention it | you're welcome
    2. (Psik.) \zera the id
    3. Lagunart.
    a. ( p.) what's-his-name gizonezkoa., what-d'ye-call-him gizonezkoa., what's-her-name emakumezkoa., so-and-so, what's-his-face Lagunart. ; hi, \zera, arin etorri you, fellow, come quickly; atzo ikusi nian \zera... ahaztu zaidak haren izena! yesterday I saw what's-her-name...I've forgotten her name
    b. ( izenondo gisan) gizon \zer bat some kind of a man
    c. ( leku) \zerera joan dira they went to some place; \zereko \zerarekin ezkondu zen she married some guy from some place
    4. Lagunart. ( gauza)
    a. stuff, thing, something or the other, thingamajig, thingamabob (GB), watchamacallit Lagunart., what-d'ye-call-it Lagunart. ; \zer denik ere ez not a thing; \zer bat ikusi diat kalean I saw somethng or the other in the street; gero egurrezko \zer bat ekarri ziaten later they brought a wood {thing || what-d'ye-call-it || thingamajig}; larruzko \zer asko egiten ziaten they made a lot of leather {stuff || things}; lege honek eskatzen dituen \zerakin, eskubidea zeukak according to the stuff required by this law, he has the right
    b. ( makina, tresna) thing, gizmo Lagunart.
    c. \zereko \zera it ; \zereko \zera egiten zuten egongelan they were doing it in the living room
    d. \zerak [ izen plurala ] stuff, things; bere \zerak hartu zituen eta alde egin he got his stuff and left
    5. (irud.) \zer edo \zer something; ikus dezagun \zertarainoko indarra duen bihotzean let's see how strong his heart is
    6. bai \zera I bet! | for sure!; ez dugu hori egin beharrik — bai \zera we don't have to do that — the hell we don't!; badakit kantari hori oso gogoko duzula — bai \zer! I know you like that singer a lot — yeah, right! (iron.)

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zer

  • 10 aitaren

    1. sign of the cross
    2. ( jesus amen) \aitaren esan orduko alde egin zuen he went away in a flash; \aitaren batean in a flash | in a jiffy interj. A\aitaren, Semearen! Good Grief! | Mercy me!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aitaren

  • 11 ebakiondo

    iz. slash mark; ordudanik ez zion alde egin besoko \ebakiondo itsusiak the ugly slash mark on his arm hasn't gone away since then

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ebakiondo

  • 12 halabehar

    1. ( patua) destiny, fate, kismet; baina \halabeharrak nahi duenean but when destiny {wills || dictates} it; \halabeharra borondaterik gabekoen aitzakia da fate is an excuse for those who have no determination; \halabeharrari alde egin ezinik unable to escape his fate; \halabeharrak hartaraturik as fate would have it \halabeharra izan zen, baketan bizi ginen herritik irten beharra we were {fated ||destined} to have to leave the town where we had lived so peacefully; Errezila nihoala, \halabeharrean topatu nuen nire emaztea izango zena I happened to run into the one who was to be my wife on my way to Errezil
    2. ( zoritxarra) misfortune, ill fortune; gazte, zerk erakarri ote hau nire etxeraino? \halabeharrak edo maitasun min batek, seguraski sonny, what's brought you to my house? Some misfortune or failed love affair, I'm sure

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > halabehar

  • 13 irten

    [from *eur- + t(z)en?] iz.
    1. departure
    2. [ izenen aurrean ] \irten-egun day of departure, departure date; \irten-leku place of departure io.
    1. bold, daring
    a. ( begia) bug; begi \irtenak bug eyes
    b. ( sudurra) prominent du/ad. ( h.g. urten) to go out, come out, leave da/ad.
    a. ( atera) to go out, come out; banda ikustera \irten ziren they went out to see the band; kanpora \irten gabe without venturing out; erbestera \irten gabe without going abroad
    b. ( alde egin) to leave; 1969an Afrikatik \irten nintzen I left Africa in 1969 ; goizeko trenean \irten ginen we left on the morning train; ihesi \irten to run away, escape
    c. ( hegazkina, trena, e.a.) to depart
    d. Antz. to make one's exit
    2. (irud.)
    a. to come out, emerge, appear
    b. ( landarea) to come up
    c. ( eguzkia, ilargia) to come out
    d. ( telebistan, irratian, e.a.) to come out, appear (- (e)an: on)
    e. ( egunkarian) to come out, appear (- (e)an: in) ; egunkarietan \irtenda it's come out in the newspapers
    f. ( hitza) to leave; hitzak ahotik \irten baino lehen before the words left his mouth
    3. ( toki, egoera jakin batean egoteari utzi) to leave; eskolatik \irten eta lanean hasi zirenean when they left school and started working; arriskutik \irten to get out of danger | to get out of harm's way; ez zen aitak esanetik \irten he didn't disobey what his father had told him
    4. Arkit. ( balkoia) to jut out, protrude, project
    5. ( gertatu) to be, wind up; garaile \irten to wind up the winner; ustea ustel \irten zitzaion his plan backfired
    6. Tek. to get lucky, have a lucky streak, run into luck
    7. ( behar den tokitik kanpora joan) to go, veer; bidetik \irten to go astray | to stray from the road | to veer off the road; ibaia neurrietatik \irtenda zetorren the river was {overflowing || spilling over} its banks

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > irten

  • 14 joan

    [from *e-oa-n] iz.
    1. passage, course; denboraren \joana gelditzeko in order to stem the passage of time
    2. balea bueltaka zebilen, \joan eta etorrian the whale flipped around back and forth du/ad. (I) (NG) ( eroan, eraman)
    1. to take
    2. ( kendu) to take away; ohoinek \joan zizkigun ondasunak thieves took our possessions io. aldi \joanetako euskaldunak Basques from bygone times da/ad.
    a. ( oro.) to go; Aiara joaten naiz I go to Aia; Aiara noa I'm going to Aia; \joan Amaiarengana! go over to Amaia!
    b. ( oinez) to walk, go
    c. ( autoz) to drive, go; gero Getariara \joan ginen (kotxean) then we drove to Getaria
    d. ( trenez) to go, travel
    e. ( hegazkinez) to go, fly, travel
    f. ( zaldiz, txirrinduz) to go, ride
    g. ( nola adieraziz) Oriora \joan zen igerika he swam to Orio; Azkoitiara \joan zen {lasterka || atxitxinketan || korrika} she ran to Azkoitia h. ( leku jakin batera) eskolara \\ elizara \\ mezatara \\ ohera \joan to go to school \\ church \\ Mass \\ bed; etxera \joan to go home
    2. ( jarraitu, aurreratu) zer moduz doaz gauzak? how are things going?; gauzak gaizki doaz things are going badly; gaixoa gaizki doa the patient is better | the patient is {getting || coming} along nicely
    a. ( iragan, igaro, pasa) to go by; urteak \joan, urteak etorri as time goes by; \joan zen astean \\ hilean last week \\ month; hola dihoakigu bizia, isilik eta ohartzeke that's how life goes, stealthily and without warning
    b. ( zendu, desagertu) to go away; Henry Fonda ere \joan zaigu Henry Fonda has also passed away | Henry Fonda has also departed from us; haurtzaroa \joan zaigu behin betirako our childhood is gone forever
    4. ( abiatu, alde egin)
    a. to go away, leave, depart; joateko ordua da it's time to go; \joan! go away!, \joan, ba! off with you!; goazen! let's go! ; noan etxera, garaia da 'ta I'll be off now, it's already time
    b. (esa.) \joan eta bila! found out for yourself!
    5. ( sartu) to become, join; soldadu \joan zen he become a soldier | he joined the army
    6. ( egon) [ zaio ]
    a. ( arropa) to fit; soinekoa ongi dihoakizu the dress fits you well
    b. ( atxiki) saria bihoakio Amaiari the prize should go to Amaia; herriari dihoazkion arazoetan in matters corresponding to the town; ez dihoakit niri nor izanen den erabakitzea it is not up to me to decide who it will be
    a. (+ -tuz) euskaldunen kopurua gehituz doa the number of Basque-speakers is gradually increasing
    b. (+ -tzen) zorrak gehitu ahala dirua urritzen zihoakigun our money was decreasing in proportion to how much debts were increasing
    8. (+ -tzera) to be going to; ezkontzera doazela iragarri dute they have announced that they are going to get married Oharra: joan duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., pikotara aurkitzeko, bila ezazu pikota adieran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > joan

  • 15 pronto

    adb. ready; \pronto ginen hori egiteko we were ready to do that; afaria \pronto al da? is supper ready?; hura etorri bezain \pronto alde egin zuten they left as soon as she came

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > pronto

  • 16 zalaparta

    1. ( iskanbila) upheaval, uproar, disorder, chaos, disturbance; \zalaparta handia sor-tu zen hori esatean there was an uproar when that was said
    2. ( ekintza zaratatsua) ruckus, commotion, excitement, upheavel; zure \zalapartaa guztiak alferrikakoak izan dira all your commotion has been for nothing; ke lodiak denak eztul-\zalapartan zeuzkan the thick smoke had everyone coughing and gagging; \zalapartan alde egin zuen etxetik she stormed out of the house; \zalapartan ari dira lanean they worked noisily

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zalaparta

  • 17 zangarteka

    1. tripping; bestei \zangarteka ari stride; \zangarteka alde egin to stride away

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zangarteka

  • 18 eder

    a. beauty, glory; menditontorretik haraneko herri guztiak beren \ederrean erakutsi zizkion from the top of the mountain he showed him all the villages of the valley in their glory
    b. \ederrarena egin to strut about
    a. ( oniriztea, begirunea) appreciation, esteem ; i-en \ederra ukan to be appreciated by sb | find sb's favour ; -(r)i \eder egin to make a good impression on | to give a good impression to; -(r)i \eder ez egin not to make a good impression on | to give a bad impression to; herritarren \ederra galdu du he's lost the respect of the town's people ; haren \ederragatik in consideration of him; ez zara \eder zu hemen you are not highly thought of here
    b. decency; ez da \eder egiten it's not the right thing to do
    3. ( begikotasuna, adiskidetasuna) favour (GB), favor (USA), friendship; horren \ederra eduki ezinik unable to win him over; i-en \ederra irabazi to gain sb's {favour (GB) || favor (USA) }; ez larritu, Jainkoaren \ederra duzu eta never fear as God is with you
    4. (z.tx.) \ederraka bota to blow a lot of hot air; i-i \ederrak eman to beat sb up; i-i \ederrak esan to tell sb off; \ederrak hartu to be beaten up | to get a good beating ; \ederra egin duk! you sure pulled a good one!; \ederra egin dio he pulled a nasty one on him; giltzak ahaztu? \ederrra egin dugu forgot the keys? this is a fine mess we're in! ; i-i \ederra sartu to put one over sb | to pull a fine one on sb io.
    1. beautiful; Helena Troiakoa oso \ederra omen zen Helen of Troy was said to be very beautiful; neska polit bat eta emakume \eder bat a pretty girl and a beautiful woman; itxura \ederreko gizona a good-looking man
    a. good; \ederrenaz bere burua kanpora agertzen du she shows her good side to others
    b. ( zoragarria) tremendous, great, fine; lan \ederra egin duzu you've done a fine job
    c. ( ironikoa) good, fine; astindu \ederra hartu behar duzu you need a good thrashing
    a. ( sekulakoa) great, tremendous, huge; alde \ederra dago bien artean there's a tremendous difference between the two
    b. ( oparo) huge; uzta \ederra an abundant harvest
    4. esteemed; hain \eder zaio Jainkoari God holds him in such esteem
    a. fine; arte \ederrak fine arts
    b. adin \ederrenean in the flower of one's youth
    a. ( zilegi) ez zaigu \eder egiten that doesn't suit us; \eder ez bezala shamefully
    b. \ederra egin zukeen Mongoliara joatea he would have done better if he had gone to Mongolia

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eder

  • 19 arraio

    1. ( argi-izpia) light beam, beam of light; zure egiaren \arraioak the radiance of your truth
    2. ( tximista) lightning bolt
    3. eta hik \arraio horrek, alde hemendik! and as for you, you scoundrel, get out of here! ( zikina, petrala) dirty, no-good-for-nothing; nork \arraiok egin du hau? who {the hell || in tarnation} did this? io. damned, comfounded, darn; katu \arraio hori that {damned || darn} cat ! interj. \arraio! hell! | damn!; \arraioa!, giltzak ahaztu? damn it, you forgot the keys?; zer \arraio da hori! what the hell is that?; zer \arraio egin duk! what the hell have you done?; ez \arraioa! hell no!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > arraio

  • 20 erdi

    [cf. Aquit. "Erditse"] iz.
    a. half; \erdiak halves; \erdia gelditzen zait I've got half left; bildots \erdiaz ase daiteke gizona half a lamb can satisfy a man
    b. gauzen \erdiak debekatzen ditu medikuak the doctor forbids half of the things; etxe honetan gauza \erdiak geureak dira half of everything in this house is ours
    c. Slovobiako hiritarren \erdiak bakearen alde dira half of Slovobia's citizens are in favour of peace; sagarren \erdiak ustelduta daude half of the apples are {rotten || spoilt} ; sagar horien \erdiak ustelak dira half of those apples are {rooten || spoiled} ; neuzkan liburuetatik \erdiak irakurri ditut I've read half of the books I had ; ondasunen \erdiak eman zizkien he gave them half of his possessions ; oiloen \erdiak baino gehiago eri dira more than half the hens are sick
    d. \erdiak ez dira etorri half haven't come
    2. ( zentrua) centre (GB), center (USA) ; hiriaren \erdira heldu zirenean, hantxe gelditu ziren when they reached the city centre, they stayed there ; Lurraren \erdia the centre of the Earth ; bidez \erditan egon halfway | to be halfway there
    a. middle; kale \erdian zegoen it was in the middle of the street; gizon horien \erdian da it's smack in the middle of those men; \erdi-\erdian jo nuen he hit it right in the middle
    b. ( denboraldia, e.a.) middle; arratsalde \erdian etorri zen she came in the middle of the afternoon ; apirilaren \erditsutan etorriko da he'll come round the middle of April ; egunaren \erdian in the middle of the day ; neguaren \erdian in the middle of winter
    c. \erditik egin to split down the middle
    4. half; \erdi gizon, \erdi otso half man, half wolf
    5. ( erditze) giving birth ; \erdi baino lehen before giving birth semez \erdi da she's given birth io. half; laranja \erdia jan zuen he ate half an orange; gaitz \erdi izango zen she would have been half sick adb.
    1. half; sagar horiek \erdi ustelak dira those apples are half {rotten || spoilt}; \erdi lotan half asleep; botila ardoz \erdi beterik dago the bottle is half full of wine ; botila ardo \erdi hutsa gelditu da the bottle wound up half empty of its wine ; ontzi hori \erdi hutsa dago that glass is half empty
    2. \erdi sartuan gelditu da giltza the key became stuck halfway; giltza \erdi sartuan gelditu zait my key got stuck halfway ; gauzak {\erdi eginean || \erdi egin gabe} utzi zituen he left things left half done

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > erdi

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Erromintxela — Gesprochen in Spanien Spanien Frankreich Frankre …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Aberzale — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Aberzale es un término castellano tomado del euskera abertzale , que en dicha lengua significa patriota (literalmente, «amante de la patria» o «partidario de la patria») y proviene de la fusión del término aberri… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Balleneros vascos — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los balleneros vascos fueron pescadores de toda la costa de Vasconia dedicados a la caza de ballenas aproximadamente entre los siglos XIII y XVI. Esta caza se realizó en un principio en las costas del mar Cantábrico …   Wikipedia Español

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Нажмите правой клавишей мыши и выберите «Копировать ссылку»